Support for Aboriginal Businesses

The South Australian Government is committed to increasing procurement opportunities and building the capacity and capability of Aboriginal businesses to ensure all South Australians have access to the benefits of economic participation.

To drive this, in 2015 the South Australian division of Aboriginal Affairs and Reconciliation led the development of a new initiative to support improved Aboriginal economic participation outcomes.

In 2016 the Office of the Industry Advocate took carriage of the Aboriginal Economic Participation through Procurement Initiative and in 2017 the Aboriginal Economic Participation Policy was embedded in the South Australian Industry Participation Policy.

An Industry Participation Consultant was appointed to deliver the policy objectives and advocate for Aboriginal businesses in South Australia.

The Office of the Industry Advocate is a Statutory Authority and the Industry Advocate Act 2017 provides the Office with the power to investigate contract non-compliance and act in accordance with through the enforcement strategy.

The initiative is two-fold, focusing on leveraging opportunities for Aboriginal jobs and business from government procurement and building the capability of the Aboriginal business sector to compete for government and private sector tenders.

Aboriginal Economic Participation Through Procurement

Through this strategy:

  • If the procurement presents an opportunity for Aboriginal businesses, the Public Authorities should consider seeking a quote from an eligible Aboriginal business or directly engaging an eligible Aboriginal business if the procurement is value up to and including $550,000.  This includes but is not limited to contracts delivered in APY Lands.