Functions, Objectives and Deliverables

The Industry Advocate Act 2017 creates functions for the Industry Advocate, supported by the Office of the Industry Advocate (OIA), which include:

  • to take action to further the objectives of the South Australian Industry Participation Policy (SAIPP) (including, without limitation, by building the capability and capacity of businesses based in South Australia to participate in government contracts);
  • to receive and investigate complaints by and on behalf of business and their industry representatives about the SAIPP;
  • to make recommendations (taking into account requirements under any other law) to responsible officers for procurement and principal officers of public authorities to resolve complaints, remove impediments or improve procurement practices and processes;
  • to refer unresolved complaints and issues to the Minister for consideration;
  • to review, and assist in the negotiations of industry participation plans to ensure they comply with the SAIPP prior to the finalisation of contract conditions;
  • to investigate and monitor compliance with the SAIPP by participants in government contracts;
  • to take action to promote and ensure compliance with the SAIPP, including by issuing directions to participants in government contracts requiring them to comply with their contractual obligations in respect of the SAIPP and reporting to the Minister in relation to non-compliance where appropriate;
  • to encourage the adoption of industry participation policies by local government to investigate and monitor compliance with local government industry participation policies by participants in contracts to which such policies apply;
  • to take any other action considered necessary for the purpose of exercising the functions conferred on the Industry Advocate; and
  • to exercise other functions conferred on the Industry Advocate by the Minister or under this or any other Act.