If you are submitting a quote in your response, always make sure you leave plenty of time for review to avoid any major or minor mistakes or misinterpretations.

Before submitting your quotation it may be helpful to check off the following points;

  1. Is your quotation in the correct format?
    Simple quotations will not normally require elaborate presentation, but rather a simple template.
  2. Is your quotation answering the requirements?
    Ensure you have provided all the information and cross checked against the requirements.
  3. Have you checked your business details?
    Make sure you have included all of your relevant business details, including ABN and contact information.
  4. Do you have the right costings and do they add up?
    Include all relevant costings and a schedule of work, and have a second person check that the financials add up.
  5. Has someone proofed your quotation?
    Have a second person review the quotation for grammar, spelling, formatting and compliance.